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Explore Dr. Rémi Labelle-Deraspe's work, including articles, book chapters, and contributions to academic and professional journals, as well as interviews. Each publication is accompanied by a summary, a bibliographic reference, and a "Discover" button to access the full content.

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Published Articles

Exploring the Impact of Incivility on Psychological Distress: The Unique Lived Experiences of Women Identifying as Indigenous and as part of the LGBTQ + Community

Organizations face modern forms of discrimination, such as selective incivility, which often fall outside existing policies. This study examined how Indigenous employees may experience such incivilities, leading to increased psychological distress. The results show that Indigenous women report more severe incivility from their supervisors, which heightens their psychological distress. The study highlights the importance of considering intersectionality when implementing policies against identity-based mistreatment.

Labelle-Deraspe, R. & Mathieu, C. (2024). Exploring the impact of incivility on psychological distress: The unique lived experiences of women identifying as Indigenous and as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Occupational Health Sciences, 8, p.407-433. Facteur d’impact : 3.1.

Exploring incivility experiences of marginalized employees: implications for psychological distress

This study shows that marginalized employees, particularly racial minorities and individuals with disabilities, are more likely to experience incivility, supporting the theory of selective incivility. Colleagues' uncivil behaviors have the greatest impact on employees' psychological distress. The findings offer insights for better understanding and managing selective incivility within organizations.

Labelle-Deraspe, R. & Mathieu, C. (2024). Exploring incivility experiences of marginalized employees: Implications for psychological distress. Current Psychology, 43, 5163-5178. Facteur d’impact : 2.8.

5 Ways to Reduce Rudeness in the Remote Workplace

Organizations seek to promote diversity and inclusion, but incivility, often overlooked by laws, particularly affects marginalized employees. This thesis analyzes selective incivility, a modern form of discrimination experienced by women and racial minorities in Canada. The findings support that selective incivility is a barrier to diversity efforts, and the thesis offers theoretical and methodological contributions, along with suggestions for future research.

Kabat-Farr, D. & Labelle-Deraspe, R. (2021). 5 Ways to Reduce Rudeness in the Remote Workplace. Harvard Business Review. Facteur d’impact: 12.129. A Financial Times (FT) 50 Journal. ABDC List: A. Version numérique disponible:

Published Book Chapters

As organizations adopt virtual operations as their primary management method, leaders will need to understand the social implications (both positive and negative) of online work before adopting it long-term. Virtual spaces are particularly vulnerable to incivility, as online meetings, chat rooms, and team management spaces provide many opportunities for disrespect to develop. Managers must be attentive to how incivility manifests online to create spaces that include all voices and diverse contributions.


Kabat-Farr, D. & Labelle-Deraspe, R. (2022). Five ways to reduce rudeness in the remote workplace: Don’t let incivility hide behind a keyboard. In Virtual EI. Harvard Business Review Press. Chapitre disponible :

Articles Published in an Edited Magazine

Pour en finir avec les cultures toxiques

Although it is increasingly discussed, toxic cultures remain pervasive in workplaces. They persist at the expense of employees' and managers' well-being, and have a real impact on the image that organizations project. But what are the mechanisms that contribute to their persistence, despite all the efforts and investments made by companies to promote healthy work environments?

Mathieu, C. & Labelle-Deraspe, R. (2024). Pour en finir avec les cultures toxiques. Gestion, 49(1), 100-104.

L’incivilité sélective nuirait-elle à l’inclusion?

Les personnes marginalisées seraient davantage victimes d’incivilités dans les milieux de travail que celles qui sont issues de groupes majoritaires, au point où on en vient à se demander si ces comportements irrespectueux n’entravent pas tous les efforts déployés pour favoriser la diversité et l’inclusion dans les organisations.

Labelle-Deraspe, R., & Kabat-Farr, D. (2022). L’incivilité sélective nuirait-elle à l’inclusion ? Gestion, Vol. 47(4), 98–102.

Contrer l'incivilité au travail: un défi quotidien

Organizations strive to promote diversity and inclusion, but incivility, often overlooked by laws, particularly affects marginalized employees. This thesis examines selective incivility, a modern form of discrimination experienced by women and racial minorities in Canada. The findings support that selective incivility constitutes a barrier to diversity efforts, and the thesis offers theoretical and methodological contributions as well as suggestions for future research.

Kabat-Farr, D., & Labelle-Deraspe, R. (2021). Five ways to reduce rudeness in the remote workplace. Harvard Business Review

Article Published in a Professional Magazine

La mesure des risques psychosociaux, un premier pas vers l’amélioration continue : Illustration d’une démarche dans le milieu juridique canadien.

This article presents a psychosocial risk (PSR) prevention approach within the Canadian legal sector. After contextualizing the intervention, a survey is used to measure PSRs and protective factors. Data analysis distinguishes symptoms from root causes, guiding sustainable prevention efforts. The article concludes with recommendations for lasting cultural change.

​Gouin, M-M., Cadieux, N., Morin, E., Labelle-Deraspe, R., & Tegninko, B. T. H. (2024). La mesure des risques psychosociaux, un premier pas vers l’amélioration continue : Illustration d’une démarche dans le milieu juridique canadien. Revue RH, 27(2), p. 27-29.

Media Coverage

« Comprends-tu bien ce que j'te dis??? »: Reconnaître et affronter les mauvais traitements interpersonnels au travail avec Rémi Labelle-Deraspe - É05

This episode of the podcast *Ère H* explores interpersonal mistreatment at work, such as harassment, discrimination, incivility, and microaggressions. Rémi shares practical advice on how to spot the early signs of these behaviors and offers strategies to address them. Whether you are a victim, a witness, or concerned about your team’s dynamics, this episode provides essential tools to foster a healthy and respectful work environment.

Malboeuf, A. & Robillard, E. (2024, Août). « Comprends-tu bien ce que j'te dis??? »: Reconnaître et affronter les mauvais traitements interpersonnels au travail avec Rémi Labelle-Deraspe (no 5) [épisode d'un balado audio]. Dans Ère H.

Ressources humaines: l'incivilité, un mal sournois guette votre entreprise. 

Subtle incivilities, such as politeness omissions, are increasing in companies and contributing to employees' psychological distress, according to a study by Cynthia Mathieu. Unlike harassment, they are rarely regulated and can harm organizational culture. Experts recommend that managers identify and address them quickly. Adopting a civility code, with employee participation, is an effective solution to improve the work climate.

Charron, C. (2023, Octobre). Ressources humaines: l'incivilité, un mal sournois guette votre entreprise. Les Affaires. [Entrevue – Contenu disponible en ligne]

3 grandes compétences à évaluer en entrevue d’embauche

As a manager, it is essential to ensure the well-being of employees to retain them, especially after the pandemic, which has heightened feelings of isolation. The connections between colleagues play a key role in their professional happiness. To strengthen these connections, it all starts with the selection interview, which allows for recruiting people who will have a positive influence on the team. Rémi Labelle-Deraspe, postdoctoral researcher and lecturer, identifies three key skills to assess during interviews to achieve this.

Brunelle, A.-S. (2023, Janvier). 3 grandes compétences à évaluer en entrevue d’embauche. Innovation et Développement Économique Trois-Rivières. [Entrevue – Contenu disponible en ligne]

8 règles d’or pour mener vos entrevues d’embauche avec brio.

In the current labor shortage context, the selection process remains one of the most important steps for an organization. Why? Because, when conducted rigorously, this process not only evaluates a candidate's skills but also positions the organization as an employer of choice. Want to become interview pros? Here are 8 winning conditions that, combined with practice, structure, and experience, will lead you straight to success!

Brunelle, A.-S. (2022, Septembre). 8 règles d’or pour mener vos entrevues d’embauche avec brio. Innovation et Développement Économique Trois-Rivières. [Entrevue – Contenu     disponible en ligne]

How to Make the Hybrid Workforce Work

As the global pandemic continues, organizations are forced to rethink the workplace. While companies have often mobilized to meet employee needs, this change is more significant. For the first time, many organizations are adopting new hybrid models.

Huppé, G. (2022, Février) How to Make the Hybrid Workforce Work. The Monthly Read. [Entrevue – Contenu disponible en ligne] [Audio - Disponible sur la plateforme Spotify]

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